Gardens and Garden Soil

Mexican Hat/Prairie Coneflower a.k.a. Ratibida columnifera

Rocky, clay soil, constant winds, low moisture and standard summer
triple-digit Texas heat…

Wildflowers fill our back pasture: Thistle, Blanket Flower (Gaillardia),
Mexican Hat

When we moved here, it became apparent that you just don’t stick a plant in the ground and “it will grow”!  Native wildflowers grow with little moisture and in soil that is clay and rock, limestone rock. By August without moisture they will generally dry up and go to seed. The soil PH is mid-range to alkaline. We are to the west of I35, deep in ranch land. It is ranch land because it couldn’t be plowed easily, so many rocks!  Soooooooo, we went to the Killeen’s “Compost Facility” and had a 12 cubic yards of compost mix delivered to provide soil for gardens.

Kitchen gardens need pollinators.
Flower gardens are for pollinators (and people)!

Kitchen Garden
Kitchen Garden: Dill, Sage, Thyme, Cilantro, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Japanese Eggplant and more! (six, 3’x3′ boxes, next year they will be larger and deeper!)
Three, Raised-bed Gardens
Three, Raised-bed Gardens, except for the kitchen garden, the choice of garden plants has been narrowed down to “drought tolerant” and “deer resistant” species. The first year they will need enough water to get established and after that minimal water.
Mounded, (Raised-bed) Garden
Mounded/Raised-bed Garden: “drought tolerant” and “deer resistant” plants